Article : “How each one can contribute towards a pollution free environment”
-Basuhi Ravi
-Basuhi Ravi
Mahatma Gandhi quoted, ” There is enough in this world for man’s need but not for man’s greed”
But we humans have desolated the earth, vitiated the air and befouled the water to such an extent just for our mere greed. This is what in scientific terms is called pollution.
How many times we have made projects and assignments on the topic ” pollution,” how many articles we have written on the same and how many lectures and speeches we’ve listened to. Well , that ensures that our generation is quite aware and yet the detrimental environment conditions are just detoriating. The reason for this condition is that our knowledge about pollution and its prevention is just theoretical,” written in paper” and not at all of any practical and operative significance.
Thus this means that we need to put our ‘know how’ into practice. let us now list out a few ways in which we as individuals contribute something to prevent any further defilement to mother nature.
In order to reduce pollution we should restrict the use of personal vehicles as far as possible and even if we do drive, always maintain them properly keeping its emissions under control, switching it off at traffic junctions and use horns only when it is utterly necessary. Public transport and car pools also help to reduce pollution quantitatively. Other than this,the most obnoxious of all, I feel is throwing litter on the ground. Earth is not our dustbin. We should ensure that garbage is disposed properly and also segregate into biodegradable and non biodegradable if possible. The bane of 21st century urbanization is plastic. We should avoid them as far as possible. Even if it is used get them recycled. Another byproduct of industrialization is E-waste or electronic waste-that is truly very noxious to the environment. Thus electronic goods should be used judiciously and its waste used innovatively. Energy conservation is another aspect of prevention .It helps greatly to reduce pollution. So switch off unnecessary lights , electrical appliances and reduce the combustion of fossil fuels
The last but the most important thing is to help grow trees to purify the defiled environment. Afforest to make the earth green and lively again !